Francis Kissinger Amayi
CITATION: Amayi, F.K., Ngugi, P.K., Kiarie, D.M., & Odhiambo, R.O., (2017). Procurement oversight agencies and growth of MSEs in Trans Nzoia County, in Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 6 (6) pp 16 – 77.
This study sought to explore the relationship between public procurement oversight agencies and growth of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Trans Nzoia County. MSEs account for over 80% of employment opportunities and over 70% of many countries’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Despite governments’ biggest spending globally, at approximately 9%-45% of GDP, public procurement is controlled by large enterprises. Among the objectives of this study was to evaluate relationship between procurement oversight agencies and growth of MSEs in Trans Nzoia County, in Kenya. It was conducted in the County Government of Trans Nzoia. The respondents were sampled from the MSE within the trading blocs registered with the MSE Authority in the County. The population was 771 firms. The study sample was 155 respondents determined statistically using Cochran formula. Self-administered questionnaires were used in data collection. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques were utilized. Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized in analyzing and presenting the data. The study revealed that there is strong relationship between public procurement and the growth of MSE in Trans Nzoia County at 92% response rate. The relationship between procurement oversight agencies and the growth of MSEs, 75% of respondents posited unsatisfactory performance. The study established that only 37% of MSEs frequently participate in public procurement processes. The study concluded that there exists strong relationship between procurement oversight agencies and the growth of MSE in Trans Nzoia County , in Kenya.
Key words: Public procurement, oversight agencies, MSEs growth
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