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Josephine Mwelu

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya

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Dr. Mary Kamara

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

CITATION: Mwelu, J., & Kamara, M. (2017). Effect of Project Implementation on Project Success: A Case Of Rural Electrification Authority. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol 6 (5) pp 566 – 582.




This study sought to examine the effect of project implementation on project success as was observed at the Rural Electrification Authority, by reviewing four variables i.e. stakeholder commitment, project environment, project framework and the project scope and evaluation. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Respondents were drawn from a target population of 213 top, middle and lower level managers of Rural Electrification Authority using multistage sampling to give a convenient sample of 186 respondents. Quantitative data was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics using SPSS and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. A multivariate regression model was applied to determine the relative importance of each of the four variables with respect to project success at REA. Content analysis was used to test data that is qualitative. The findings were presented by use of bar charts, graphs and pie charts and in prose-form. The study found that all the independent variables i.e. stakeholder commitment, project environment, project framework and project scope and execution were significant and had a positive relationship with project success. The study concluded that stakeholders often attend project meetings, enact speedy decisions, evaluate and react on project ongoings and intervene where the projects seems to be stalling. The study also concluded that the project environment influences success of projects in their organization to a large extent. The study also concluded that the project framework should be properly managed by cost management, human resource management and quality management. Lastly the study concluded that project scope and execution influences project success to a large extent.

Keywords: Commitment, Project Environment, Project Framework and Project Scope and Evaluation


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