Wamasika Masika Gaitano
College of Human Resource and Development,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya.
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Dr. Allan Kihara
College of Human Resource and Development,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
CITATION: Gaitano, W., M. & Kihara, A. (2017). Application Of Modified Perceived Shapiro’s Model Of Entrepreneurial Intentions Among Tourism College Students In Nairobi City County In Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 6 (5) pp 251 – 272.
In Kenya, thousands of college students who graduate each year fail to get jobs, adding to the large number of already unemployed youth. There is sufficient evidence which suggests that idleness amongst unemployed young people can lead rapidly to criminal activities, violence, and social friction along with mental health problems and drugs abuse. One of the remedies to these problems is to encourage entrepreneurial activities among the youth. This study generally aimed to explore the application of perceived Shapero’s model of entrepreneurial intention among students undertaking hospitality and tourism courses in college within Nairobi County. The study adopted a survey design. The population of this study was all students undertaking hospitality and tourism courses in colleges within Nairobi City County. A sample size of 285 students was selected from each of the fourteen institutions according to the population percentage. Questionnaires were used for data collection and data analysis was done by using excel and Statistical Program for Social Sciences for data analysis. Descriptive statistics was used mainly to summarize the data. From the regression analysis, the study found that perceived desirability, innovativeness, perceived feasibility and perceived propensity positively affected entrepreneurial intention among Hospitality and Tourism College students. Overall, the study concluded that perceived desirability had the greatest effect on the entrepreneurial intention, followed by perceived feasibility while perceived propensity had the least effect to the entrepreneurial intention among Hospitality and Tourism College students in Nairobi City County. All the variables were significant (p<0.05). The study further recommended that academic institutions should come up with programs that can foster and actualize business desires among students to ensure that the entrepreneurial spirit found in the students is fed with relevant content and that the prospective entrepreneurs get relevant knowledge and exposure to ensure success in their businesses of choice.
Key Words: Perceived desirability, Perceived feasibility, Perceived propensity, Innovativeness, Entrepreneurial intention
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