Anthony L. Lusuli
Department of Entrepreneurship and Procurement in the School of Human Resource Development
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Prof Henry Bwisa
Department of Entrepreneurship and Procurement in the School of Human Resource Development
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Dr.Susan Were
Department of Entrepreneurship and Procurement in the School of Human Resource Development
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Dr.David Kiarie
Department of Entrepreneurship and Procurement in the School of Human Resource Development
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
CITATION: Lusuli, A., L. Bwisa, H., Were, S., Kiarie, D. (2017). Comparative Analaysis on The Influence Of Top Management On The Implmentation Of E-Procurement Between National And County Governments In Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 6 (5) pp 1-18.
Over the last few years, the internet has changed the way business is done in every industry. E-procurement has dramatically changed the way purchasing is done. Both public and private sector institutions have embraced the benefits accrued from E-procurement practices. The Kenyan government has recognized the importance of adopting of ICT in service delivery to the public and its citizens as enshrined in the Constitution and the Public Procurement laws and regulations. However, even given the potential benefits of e-procurement, most of the Government Ministries and County Governments including parastatals have not effectively implemented the e-procurement practices. This has greatly influenced the effectiveness of the procurement processes in public sector. With the advent of devolution in 2013, Kenya operates within two levels of government: i.e National and County governments. These governments are operated by different systems and people. Although IFMIS should be used in both levels of government, implementation of e-procurement has been done at different extents. This study pursued a comparative approach between National and County on how top management influences the implementation of e-procurement. The study found that the level of commitment towards implementation of the e-procurement was generally low in both levels of government. This could be attributed by little allocation of funds towards implementation of the e-procurement system, minimal supervision and low levels of commitment by the management of the both County governments and national government. The study found that top management was more influential at the county level than at the national level. The study also found that top management could influence implementation of e-procurement significantly at both national and county governments. However, the county top could influence the implementation of the e-procurement system more than top management of entities run by the National government.
Key words: Top management, Implementation, E-procurement, Influence
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