Ojwang Lawrence Onyango
College of Human Resource and Development,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya.
Dr. Susan Were
College of Human Resource and Development,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
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CITATION: Onyango, O., L. & Were, S. (2016). Challenges Affecting The Implementation Of E-Procurement In County Governments In Kenya: A Case Of Siaya County Government. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol 5(10) pp 482-499.
This study is about the challenges affecting the implementation of E-procurement in the public sector a case of Siaya County. The general aim of this study was to evaluate the challenges affecting the implementation of e-procurement in the county government in Kenya a case of SiayaCounty. The specific objectives was to find out the effects of resources allocation on the implementation of e-procurement in Siaya county government, to determine how information technology was affecting implementation of e-procurement in the county government of Siaya, In which way was the government policy affecting the implementation of e-procurement in the county government of Siaya, and to investigate the impact of Organization structure on effective implementation of e-procurement in Siaya County government. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study targeted 270 staff and users of e-procurement in SiayaCounty eg suppliers. Regression, Correlation and ANOVA was used in inferential statistical analysis. The study revealed that the county government provides resources to its employees to implement e-procurement system. The study found that resource allocation has a significance positive influence on the implementation of e-procurement Performance at Siaya county government, demonstrating that a unit increase in resource allocation would results into increase in implementation of e-procurement system to a great extent. The study found that information technology improves implementation of e-procurement in county governments to a great extent. The finding revealed that government policy plays a significant role in achievement of the implementation of e-procurement in county government in Kenya. The study concluded that organization structure has a significant contribution to the implementation of e-procurement systems to a great extent. The study concluded that resource allocation significantly improve timeliness in the implementation of e-procurement, lead time in procurement and improve efficiency in procurement process. The study concluded that information technology improves implementation of e-procurement in county governments in Kenya to a great extent. The study recommends that Siaya county government should foster resource allocation, information technology, and government policy and improve on organization structure in the implementation of the e-procurement to achieve its objectives.
Keywords: Resources allocation, information technology, implementation of e-procurement in government policy, the county government of Siaya
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