Givons Ogoma Juma
Msc. Project Management,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture &Technology
Dr. David Kiarie Mburu
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
CITATION: Juma, G., O. & Mburu, D., K. (2016). Factors Affecting Successful Completion Of High –Rise Housing Projects In Kenya: A Case Of Embakasi East Constituency, Nairobi County. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol 5(10) pp 203-247
Provision of adequate and decent housing has not matched the growing population in the urban areas in Kenya. This has made construction firms to engage in housing projects to meet the growing demand for affordable and decent housing in Kenya. Despite these measures to address the housing demands in Embakasi East constituency, completion of high-rise housing projects has faced many challenges where a number of housing projects have stalled and have experienced time, cost, scope overruns and quality being compromised. This is manifested by myriad projects that have cost overrun, poor supervision, delayed completion period and poor quality resulting to collapsed buildings in various parts of the country, high maintenance costs, dissatisfied clients and even buildings which are not functional. The main purpose of this study therefore was to establish factors influencing successful completion of high-rise housing projects in Kenya; a case of Embakasi East Constituency. The study aim was to assess how project team competency, project coordination, project control, and project team empowerment influences successful completion of high-rise housing projects in Kenya. The study employed descriptive study. Data was collected using questionnaires for project managers and assistant project managers. The research instruments were validated by use of a pilot study, which was assessed by the supervisor. The target population was 126 housing projects within study area of Embakasi East Constituency between 2011 to 2015. Unit of analysis was also to be 126 project managers and assistant project managers. Random sampling was used to sample the project managers. Data collected was analyzed by use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Computer Package to establish factors influencing successful completion of housing projects. Regression models were used to examine the influence of project team competency, project coordination, project control, and project team empowerment, on successful completion of high-rise housing projects in Kenya. The study found that project team competency, project coordination, and project team empowerment have a great influence on successful completion of high-rise housing projects in Kenya. Project team empowerment measures were found to be the most significant with correlation coefficient of 68.2% element influencing successful completion of high-rise housing projects in Embakasi East Constituency. The study therefore recommends that qualified and well trained project managers and assistant project managers with adequate technical and soft skills, should be considered to manage high-rise housing projects in Kenya. Their qualifications enhance higher chances successful completion of projects on time, within budget and as per desired quality. Further research should be conducted to determine how risk management and client –contractor joint venture affect successful completion of high-rise housing projects in Kenya
Key Terms: Project team competency, Project coordination, Project control, Project team empowerment, Successful completion of housing projects, Liaison
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