Njeri Alice Wanjiru
Msc. Human Procurement and Logistics,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture &Technology
Dr. David Kiarie Mburu
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
CITATION: Wanjiru, N., W. & Mburu, D., K. (2016). Effects Of Contract Management On Procurement Performance In Institutions Of Higher Learning Within Nairobi County. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol 5(10) pp 166 – 202
The study focused on investigating the effect of contract management on procurement performance on institutions of higher learning within Nairobi County. In addressing the latter, the research established the effect of relationship management, Contract administration, contract appraisal and contract closure on procurement performance as the specific objectives of the study. The literature review introduced various dimensions on effect of contract management on procurement performance which included background of the study, theoretical review, conceptual framework, empirical review, critique of existing literature, summary and research gaps. The beneficiaries of the study are future researchers, institutions of higher learning and the government. Descriptive research design was used for the study and the questionnaire was the main data collection instrument. The study constituted a census of contract managers in these different institutions of higher learning within Nairobi County, the number of employees in the census were 152. Pilot testing was done to ensure the reliability and validity of the instrument. Statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical Packages for Social Science to generate information which was presented using tables, charts, frequency distribution table and percentages. Inferential statistics was used to make predictions or inferences about the population from observations and analyses. The regression model was used to show the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables. Results were presented by charts and tables. The study findings indicate that the four variables, that is relationship management, contract administration, post contract appraisal and contract closure positively and significantly affect procurement performance. Institutions of higher learning embrace more of relationship management. Even though all the variables were found to be affecting procurement performance, majority of the institutions have no systems and mechanisms in place to administer, monitor, evaluate and finally terminate the contracts. It was therefore recommended that institutions of higher learning need to have such systems in place to ensure sustainability of future contracts. The study recommends that future studies should focus on comparing contract management practices in the public sector to those of the private sector. Also the studies should focus on other factors affecting procurement performance other than contract management.
Key Terms: Contract Management, Contract Closure, Procurement Professional, Relationship Management, Contract Manager
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