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Gerishon Kanori Njoroge

Masters Student: Presbyterian University of East Africa


Dr. Nemwel Bosire, PhD

Presbyterian University of East Africa

CITATION: Njoroge, G., K. & Bosire, N. (2016). An Assessment of the Challenges of Budget Implementation in Private Universities in Kenya: A Case of Presbyterian University of East Africa. International Journal of Finance & Business Studies.  Vol. 4(5) Pp. 102-114


Budget development and implementation is a challenge for many institutions in Kenya especially the non-for-profits private Christian universities which have less financial capacities and lack clear policy guidelines on budget implementation. Lack of proper budget implementation has led to poor financial management, non-fulfilment of financial obligations, stagnant growth and poor execution of goals. Additionally, poor budgeting is restrictive and does not cater for emergencies or abrupt projects which can result to exposing these universities at a risk of closure, mergers or absorption. The current study aimed at assessing the challenges of budget implementation in private universities in Kenya. Specifically, the study aimed at establishing how ad-hoc methods of projecting revenues and expenditures, lack of adequate resources, poor budgeting processes and lack of skilled manpower affect budget implementation. The research adopted a case study and a descriptive research design because they both give in-depth bulky, detailed and accurate information needed for drawing a conclusion for the current study. The case of this study was Presbyterian University of East Africa. The study used both primary and secondary data collection methods. For the primary data, questionnaires were used while for secondary data, company records will be used. A content analysis and descriptive analysis were used to analyse the data using statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. From the findings, the main challenge of budget implementation was lack of sufficient financial resources. The budgeting process was good since it involved all the staff and followed protocol. The budgeting committee had financial skills to prepare budgets but the university council lacked enough members with finance and budgeting skills to make sound judgements. The researcher therefore recommended that the university should seek external sources of capital and cut off unnecessary costs and non performing faculties. It should also seek experienced budgeting experts to make judgements that are financially viable.



Keywords: Budget development, non-for-profits, budget implementation and revenues and expenditures.


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