Stellar Mwikali Nyenze
Msc. Human Resource Management, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture &Technology
Dr .Hazel Gachunga
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Dr. David Kiarie Mburu
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
CITATION: Determinants of Effective Implementation of Human Resource Management Policies in Water Resources Management Sector in Kenya. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement. Vol. 5(5). PP 167-180.
Water sector institutions have best policies but results of all institutions are not rewarding in accordance to long term objectives. Developing and having policy alone is not enough. Implementation of policy is more important than formulation. Even an effectively developed policy that reflects the hard choices an organization must make is worthless if it is not implemented. Although numerous studies acknowledge that policies fail not because of inadequate policy formulation, but because of insufficient policy implementation. Policy implementation is better for everyone including those with an eye on corporation profits. Not only are the prescribed fines for breach a real deterrent, but employees pursuing a claim in a tribunal if they think that their employer has not implemented policies properly at work place. Persistent complaints of poor management have been attributed to lack of proper policy implementation in Water Resources Management sectors in Kenya. This study sought to investigate determinants of implementation of human resource management policies in Water Resources Management Sectors. The study used descriptive design and targeted management cadre staff in water Resources Management sector. Stratified and simple random sampling was done across water sector and institutions. Data was collected using a questionnaire with Likert-type, closed and open-ended questions and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Descriptive statistics such as graphs and percentages was used to interpret data. Correlation and regression was used to establish the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable and conclusions together with recommendations made. The study found that Organizational Leadership, Organizational Communication, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Structure had a positive influence on implementation of Human Resource Management Policies in Water Resources Management sector in Kenya.
Key words: Leadership, Communication, Culture and Organizational Structure
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