1* Onesmus Kituku 2* Dr.Karanja NgugiSchool of Business, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology P.O. BOX 62000,00200 Nairobi,Kenya School of Business, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology P.O. BOX 62000,00200 Nairobi,Kenya Author email:
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CITATION: Kituku, O., & Ngugi, K. (2016). Stakeholder Management and Performance of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company Projects. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement. Vol. 5 (5). PP 123-139.
Challenges experienced by NWSC in implementation of the Vision 2030 are that the company’s stakeholder management is hampered by production capacity challenges versus the demand for water in the city. Currently, of the 3.8 million residents of Nairobi, only 50 per cent have direct access to piped water. The rest obtain water from kiosks, vendors and illegal connections. Operational challenges are common in NWSC as a result of frequent cases of un-informed customer care on rationing program due to interruption of water supply as a result of vandalism of appurtenances. This study sought to assess stakeholder management and performance of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company projects. Specifically, the study seeks: To assess the influence of stakeholder participation on performance of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company projects; To establish how stakeholder board size influences performance of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company projects; To determine the extent to which organization structure influences performance of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company projects; and To explore the influence of stakeholder resource allocation on performance of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company projects. The study variables were anchored on the stakeholder theory, agency theory, contingency theory of organization structure and the resource dependency theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The target population consisted of 450 staff working at NWSC offices in various locations in the Nairobi County. The study adopted Kothari formulae for determination of sample size and stratified random sampling technique to give a sample size of 62 respondents. Data was collected by use of a semi structured questionnaire which was pilot tested for validity and reliability. Correlation analysis was used to test the direction of relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. Descriptive statistics was analyzed using frequencies and t-tests. Inferential statistical analysis will be done using multiple regressions using SPSS Version 22 software. Analyzed data will was presented in form of tables to facilitate comparison. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the findings were presented by tables, figures and graphs. The study found out that the frequency of attendance in meetings by the stakeholders was indicated as hardly and never by most of the respondents. The study concludes that the frequency of attendance in meetings by the stakeholders was very rare. Further the level of project commitment by the stakeholders was highly frequented at 11-20% and 31-40%.The study recommends that stake holder should be involved in decision making since in most cases stakeholders are given voice only if it is obviously in the best interests of the firm to do so, and value is distributed according to negotiations in which each stakeholder must fight for its own interests.
Keywords: Stakeholder participation, Stakeholder board size, Stakeholder organization structure, Stakeholder resource allocation.
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