Rose Wavinya Musyimi
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Dr. Karanja Partrick Ngugi
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Nairobi, Kenya.
Dr. Mike Iravo
Jomo Kenyatta University of agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)
CITATION: Musyimi, R. W, Ngugi, K. P & Iravo Mike (2015). Effectiveness Of Implementing Total Quality Management In Procurement Function In Public Institutions: A Case Study of Moi University . International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement 4 (5), 88-108.
Total Quality Management (TQM) has emerged as an important contributor to effective procurement procedures in public institutions. Modern TQM has emerged as a management approach based on a set of fundamental quality principles and outfitted with a toolbox of diverse techniques and procedures that provides guidance and structure in the practical affairs of running an organization effectively. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of implementing TQM in the procurement procedures in public institutions. This research sought to determine effects of TQM on public procurement procedures, by gauging the opinions of the members of management, deans, chairpersons of Academic departments, heads of administrative department/sections and procurement staff of Moi University. This study employed explanatory research design and questionnaires in data gathering. It was a case study of Moi University and therefore adopted census technique to sample ten (10) Deans, thirty two (32) heads of academic department, twelve (12) heads of administrative department, twenty four (24) procurement staff, seven (7) finance staff and five (5) members of management giving a total of ninety (90) respondents. Data was collected using structured questionnaire and secondary data from 2013 procurement and financial reports. Analyses were conducted through descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Square regression technique. Correlation analysis showed that all the independent variables (strategic leadership, continuous improvement, communication and teamwork had some positive relationship with the dependent variable (i.e. Procurement functions). From regression test, adjusted R square was 0.581 showing that all the independent variables accounts for 58.1% of the procurement functions. Statistically, the overall relationship was very significant with significant value, P value = 0.000, (P < 0.05), and finally concludes that strategic leadership and process/continuous improvement are positive predictors of procurement functions.
KEY WORDS: Quality Management System, Procurement, Total Quality Management.
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