Warria Jared Okoth
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Patrick Mwangangi
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
CITATION: Warria. J. O, (2015). Implementation of electronic procurement in county governments in Kenya: a case study of Nairobi county government. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement 4 (5), 20-34.
The interest of this study is to determine the reasons for unsuccessful implementation of E-Procurement in the county governments in Kenya. It focused on the Nairobi county government, which is guided by the Public procurement procedures. With the use of a short form questionnaire, the data was collected from a population sample of the Top managers of the institution and middle level operations staff. This was used to establish the pertinent factors that affect successful implementation of electronic procurement process in public institution. The business environment within which the county government operates is very volatile; the political anxiety, cartels, competition from the private sector, technological advancement, and global changes are some of the challenges that have greatly affected the success of the council’s operations. Whereas the people of Nairobi and Kenya at large expect nothing but efficient and reliable services from the county government, smooth process management is a subject of interest in order to achieve this goal and enhance accountability The main objective of this study was to investigate why implementation of electronic procurement system has not been successful in spite the attempts that have been made in the past and also the benefits that the public institutions will enjoy if electronic procurement is implemented. The study was done through data collected using a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed based on descriptive statistics. The collected data was analyzed in tables, pie charts and graphs. The study found out that majority of the respondents agreed that Technological infrastructure, organization culture and professionalism contributed to the success of E-Procurement in the organization. A majority of the respondents felt that IT cost doesn’t hinder success of E-procurement however there should be budget allocated to that venture as an investment.
KEY WORDS: Electronic procurement in county governments in Kenya
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