IJSSE - International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship Upcoming Journals: International Journal of Innovation and Management (IJIM), International Journal of Engineering and Architecture (IJEA) & International Journal of Science and Agriculture | IJAE, IJEF & IJHRP Call for Papers - Forthcoming Issue (Decemer 2014). Submission deadline: 25th December 2014 |

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Prepared by:







Presented to:

Dr J. Karanja







The objective of this business Plan is primarily to facilitate the ownership and management of Poultry feeds limited to facilitate investment and provide an overview of its envisaged Chicken Feeds Plant in Thika town. The document covers various aspects of chicken feed milling and, start-up, and production, finance and business management. The document also provides sectoral information, brief on government policies and international scenario, which have some bearing on the project itself. The business plan covers a period of 5 years.

The proposed project will be producing 1 ton of chicken starter, grower pullets, layer rations and broiler rations feeds (in three forms crumbles, pellets and mash) per hour. The proposed business will be manufacturing chicken feed for meeting the demand of poultry farmers both locally and nationally. The target market will be organizations and companies notably poultry industries, Farmers associations notably societies, schools, colleges, self -help groups, youth organization, cooperatives and individuals.

The Company will be managed by the Production Manager on day to day basis. The production Manager will be a qualified poultry Production Specialist with a bias toward poultry nutrition. Actual production will be carried out by 2 production supervisors and 5 casuals in the beginning and they will be increased as the organization grows. The marketing function will be the task of the Marketing manager assisted by 3 sales executives. The Accountant will be in charge of office support and Finance services and he will also manage the Procurement of raw material. The cashier and 2 guards will report to the accountant

Poultry accounts for about 1.7 percent of total agricultural GDP. According to the 2007 Ministry of Livestock Development report the following were the estimated poultry product outputs:

  • 21,000 tonnes of poultry meat, valued at 3.52 billion Kenyan shillings (KSh) (33.6 million Euro, as of 2011);
  • 1.22 billion eggs (53 percent from hybrids and 47 percent from indigenous stock) valued at KSh 9.7 billion (92,7 million Euro)


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