IJSSE - International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship Upcoming Journals: International Journal of Innovation and Management (IJIM), International Journal of Engineering and Architecture (IJEA) & International Journal of Science and Agriculture | IJAE, IJEF & IJHRP Call for Papers - Forthcoming Issue (Decemer 2014). Submission deadline: 25th December 2014 |

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Text, Illustrations and Figures

Microsoft Word file format only is acceptable for the main manuscript document. All text in manuscripts should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, justified-alignment only. Maximum page limit is 30 pages including the references, tables, appendices.

Only JPEG (JPG) or TIFF (TIF) file format for illustrations and figures is accepted for photographs or images.

Each corresponding author will be notified via email upon receipt of his/her manuscript. The journal does not accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers submitted due to technological problem.


Grammar and Style

Use of high-quality grammar and style is essential. Authors should employ the services of a professional editor if they need assistance with grammar and style. The following guidelines should be noted:

  • When using citations in text, stress the point of what’s being cited, not who made the citation (for example, “…the Minnesota Golden Gophers basketball team was arguably the best team in the nation (Smith and Jones 1997)” rather than “Smith and Jones (1997) argue that the Golden Gophers were the best…”).
  • Authors should limit the use of endnotes and footnotes. These can be distracting to a reader who may only have a short time to scan an article.


Content and Structure

The following information should also be provided:

Page 1:

  • Paper title.
  • Name, affiliation and Addresses of all authors and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

Page 2:

  • Abstract: Should not exceed 350 words.
  • Keywords: Select 3 to 5 words or phrases

Page 3:

  • Paper title.
  • Beginning of paper.

Authors can number the headings and subheadings starting from Introduction e.g. 1. Introduction, 1.1 subheading, 1.2 another subheading; 2. Methods, 2.1 subheading, and so on, up to Conclusion.



If abbreviations are used in the text, either they should be defined in the text where first used, or a list of abbreviations can be provided.



Permissions to use reprinted material, adapted material, and material owned by other parties are the sole responsibility of the authors.


References Style

Author(s) should follow the latest edition of APA style in referencing. Please visit www.apastyle.org to learn more about APA style. Examples of reference style are shown below. Please take care to follow the reference style precisely.

Journal Article

  • Orengo CA, Bray JE, Hubbard T, LoConte L, Sillitoe I, 1999. BRCA1 protein products: functional motifs. Nature Genetics, 13: 266-267.

Journal Supplement Article

  • Koonin EV, Altschul SF, Bork P, 1996. Analysis and assessment of ab initio three-dimensional prediction, secondary structure, and contacts prediction. Proteins, 43 (Suppl 3): 149-170.

Conference Proceeding

  • Zvaifler NJ, Burger JA, Marinova-Mutafchieva L, Taylor P, Maini RN, 1999. Zeolites and synthetic mechanisms. In Proceedings of the First National Conference on Porous Sieves: 27-30 June 1996; Baltimore. Edited by Smith Y. Stoneham: Butterworth-Heinemann, 16-27.

Published Abstract

  • Jones X, 1996. Mesenchymal cells, stromal derived factor-1 and rheumatoid arthritis [abstract]. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 42: s250.


  • Hunninghake GW, Gadek JE, 1995. Origin of Eukaryotic Cells. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Book Chapter

  • Margulis L, 1970. From prey via endosymbiont to plastids: comparative studies in dinoflagellates. In Origins of Plastids. Volume 2. 2nd edition. Edited by Lewin RA. New York: Chapman and Hall, 53-76.

Monograph or Book in a Series

  • Schnepf E, 1993. The alveolar macrophage. In Cultured Human Cells and Tissues. Edited by Harris TJR. New York: Academic Press, 54-56. [Stoner G (Series Editor): Methods and Perspectives in Cell Biology, vol 1]

Book with Institutional Author

  • Advisory Committee on Genetic Modification, 1999. Annual Report, London.

PhD Thesis

  • Kohavi R, 1995. Wrappers for performance enhancement and oblivious decision graphs. PhD thesis. Stanford University, Computer Science Department.

Link / URL

  • The Havard Business Review Magazine [http://hbr.org/magazine]

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