Elsie Fridah Moraa
Master Of Science Student,
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Thomas Mose
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
CITATION: Moraa, E., F. & Mose, T. 2021. Employee Empowerment and Job Performance in State Corporations in The Ministry of Health, Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 10 (8) pp 1 – 13.
The Ministry of Health in Kenya has been characterized by exodus of employees joining the private sector and other employment opportunities. Moreover, services by public organizations have been very poor and attributed to poor work performance and lack of commitment. The overall effect has been a slow developing economy and an environment that does not attract more investments. This study therefore sought to establish the influence of employee empowerment on job performance in state corporations in the Ministry of Health. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; to establish the influence of perceived support on job performance in state corporations in the Ministry of Health and to find out the influence of job autonomy on job performance in state corporations in the Ministry of Health. The theoretical foundation for this study was Kanter’s Theory of Empowerment and Social Exchange Theory, The unit of analysis was eight state corporations in Nairobi under the Ministry of Health while the unit of analysis was management level employees. From HR data in those organizations, there are 406 management level employees. The sample size was determined by use of Yamane (1967) formula yielding sample of 201. The sample was selected using the method of stratified random sampling. The study used primary data which was gathered using questionnaires. Ten respondents from the target population were selected randomly for pilot test. Descriptive statistics was used in analysing quantitative data. Presentation of the qualitative data was done descriptively and presented in tables and figures. The study concludes that perceived support has a positive and significant effect on the job performance in state corporations in the Ministry of Health. In addition, the study concludes that job autonomy has a positive and significant effect on the job performance in state corporations in the Ministry of Health. From the findings, the study recommends that the management of state corporations in the Ministry of Health should ensure total support from top managers to organizational employee so as to improve employee performance. The study also recommends frequent employee training through workshops, seminars and on-job training.
KEY WORDS: Employee Empowerment, Job Performance, Job Autonomy and Perceived support
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