Polycarp Koome Kubai
(PhD Candidate)
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
Prof. Hazel Gachunga, PhD
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
Prof. Rhomanus Odhiambo, PhD
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
CITATION: Koome, P. K., Gachunga, H., & Odhiambo, R. (2018). Impact of Transformational Leadership on Performance of Private Universities in Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 8 (1) pp 23 – 44.
Modern businesses continue to face tremendous dynamics from technological changes to globalization and increased competition where most of these dynamics affect their performance and sustainability. These dynamics have not left behind the private universities in Kenya which off-late have been undergoing through tough times due to reduced number of students, financial crisis, poor academic programs and general management crisis. This has raised a critical question on the leadership style of the vice chancellors and other senior management team in the private universities. The manner in which the vice chancellors dispense with their authority has to a great extent affected the performance of lecturers which has great effect to the performance of these universities. Therefore, the motive of this paper was to underpin the influence of transformational leadership on the performance of in private universities in Kenya. The study primarily focused on the chattered private universities in Kenya and employed stratified sampling design. Descriptive research design was used as a method of study. The study used primary data collected by use of structured questionnaires. Qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. Descriptive and inferential analysis was conducted for quantitative data. Mean and standard deviations were also used as measures of central tendencies and dispersion respectively. Results were presented in form of tables and charts. The study found that transformational leadership had a significant and positive influence on performance of private universities in Kenya. The study further established that the perceived supervision support had insignificant moderating effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and performance of private universities in Kenya. The study concluded that as a result of transformational leadership, performance of private universities in Kenya was enhanced and recommended that the private universities which face performance challenges should uphold transformational leadership so as to steer their performance.
Key words: Leadership, Transformational leadership, Integrative leadership, perceived supervision support, Private Universities.
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