Lizah Kawira Miriti
College of Human Resource and Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
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Dr. Patrick Mwangangi
College of Human Resource and Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
CITATION: Miriti, L., K. & Mwangangi, P. (2018). Effect Of Procurement Planning On Supply Chain Performance Of Kenya Medical Supplies Authority. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement. Vol. 7 (5) pp 214 – 230.
Complaints have been recorded in the Kenyan healthcare system that faces a number of challenges that makes it difficult for its supply chain to operate efficiently and effectively which has more than often led to erratic supply of important medical drugs. This study therefore sought to establish the effect of procurement planning on supply chain performance of at Kenya Medical Supplies Authority in Kenya. The study specifically sought to establish the effect of procurement needs assessment, budgeting, quality specifications and supplier selection on supply chain performance of Kenya Medical Supplies Authority in Kenya. A descriptive research design was adopted for the study. The target population for this study comprised of 330 employees from the Medical Detailers, Procurement, Warehouse, Finance & Accounts, Logistics & Distribution, Quality Control and IT departments of KEMSA. The study used quantitative primary data gathered by use of closed ended questions. A multiple linear regression model was used to test the significance of the procurement planning on supply chain performance. The findings of the study revealed that procurement needs assessment, budgeting, quality specifications and supplier selection all had a positive and significant effect on supply chain performance of Kenya Medical Supplies Authority in Kenya. The study therefore concluded that in order for KEMSA to improve its supply chain performance, there is need to focus on key procurement planning indicator for all procurement planning variables examined in this study. The study recommended that that in order for KEMSA to improve its supply chain performance, there is need to focus on key procurement needs assessment indicators.
Key Words: Procurement planning, Supply chain performance, Procurement needs assessment, Budgeting, Quality specifications, Supplier selection
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