Sarah Waringa Kahunyo
College of Human Resource and Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
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Dr. Allan Kihara
College of Human Resource and Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
CITATION: Kahunyo, S., W. & Kihara, A. (2018). Drivers of Successful Implementation of Public Private Partnership in Public Procurement Projects in The Energy Sector in Kenya. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement. Vol. 7 (5) pp 140 – 159.
The purpose of the study is to determine the drivers of successful implementation of public private partnership in public procurement projects in the energy sector in Kenya. Specifically the study determined the need to evaluate how legal framework, risk management, value for money and stakeholder involvement ensures successful implementation of PPP in public procurements projects in the energy sector in Kenya. The research questions include; how does legal framework influence the implementation of PPP procurement in the energy sector? To what extent does risk management influence the implementation of PPP procurements in the energy sector? To what extent does value for money influence the implementation of PPP procurement in the energy sector? How does stakeholder involvement influence the implementation of PPP procurements in the energy sector? The study was anchored on; Principle agent theory, stakeholder theory, four pillar model and public value theory. The study employed stratified random sampling technique in coming up with a sample size of 154 respondents from a total of 253 target population in the energy sector in Kenya. Structured and semi structured questioners were be used to collect data. Pilot study was carried out to establish the validity and reliability of the research instruments. The instruments were designed appropriately according to the study objective. Data gathered from the questionnaires administered was analyzed by the help of Ms Excel and SPSS version 20, while data was presented inform of frequency tables and charts. The study used multiple linear regression and correlation analysis to show the relationship between variables. The response rate of the study was 87%. The findings of the study indicated that legal framework, risk management, value for money and stakeholder involvement have a positive relationship with successful implementation of public private partnerships in public procurement projects. Finally, the study recommended that companies in the energy sector should embrace drivers of successful implementation of public private partnerships so as to its successful implementation and further researches should to be carried out in other institutions to find out if the same results can be obtained.
Key Words: Legal Framework, Risk Management, Value for Money, Stakeholder Involvement, Successful Implementation of PPP, Public Procurements Projects
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