Vanessa Ruguru Maina
College of Human Resource and Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
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Dr. Kepha Ombui
College of Human Resource and Development, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
P. O. Box 62000, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya
CITATION: Maina, V., R. & Ombui, K. (2018). Critical Success Factors On Implementation Of Public Service Projects In Kenya: A Case Of The Huduma Center Initiative. International Journal of Human Resource and Procurement. Vol. 7 (5) pp 104 – 119.
The main purpose of the study was to establish the critical success factors on implementation of public service projects in Kenya. The objectives of the study were to establish how project planning, the operational strategy (One stop shop approach) and project financing contribute to the success of a government project. The study population was the 12 flagship projects by the Government of Kenya from which the Huduma Kenya Initiative was chosen as a case study to represent the population. The study was both qualitative and quantitative. The study was both qualitative and quantitative. Data collection involved two research instruments; a questionnaire for primary data and a data collection sheet for secondary data. The data collected was edited and coded following the variables in the study. The coded data was classified and tabulated for efficient analysis using SPSS. The findings were presented using frequency tables, pie chart and bar graphs. The study found out that the need to improve the utility of civil servants and faster service delivery were key drivers during the design stage of the project. Secondly the study concluded that the ‘one stop shop’ approach that ensured that government services were available under one roof led to increased productivity among staff, faster service delivery to the citizens, improved customer satisfaction and efficiency in the public service. Lastly, the study found out that monitoring and evaluation sector was a post implementation affair and recommended that monitoring and evaluation be made integral part of the implementation process of a project. The study recommends a further study on how the concept of servitization can be used to improve service delivery to the citizens by county governments.
Key Words: Project Planning, Operational Strategy, Project Financing, Project Success
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