CITATION: Kithinji, E. (2018). Effect of Training and Development On the Performance of Parastatals in Kenya. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 7 (5) pp 1 – 13.
Worldwide, the public sector plays a central role in any country’s socio-economic development. The sector has however been affected by globalization, public sector reforms, regional and international partnerships, climate change, information, communication and technology and human resource development, among other factors. In an increasingly changing global environment, the mandate, structure and operations of public sector must be reshaped and productivity enhanced to make it more focused, efficient and responsive to the needs of those it serves. As globalization and competition becomes a real phenomenon, there is more emphasis to link strategy and organization performance. To compete effectively, organizations must adopt ways of enhancing their competitive advantage and profitability. This study sought to establish the effect of training and development on performance of parastatals in Kenya. The paper used a desk based methodology. Specifically, the paper identified documentary evidence in the form of already completed studies that focused on effect of training and development on performance in organizations both locally and globally. The study findings indicated that training and development had a positive and direct effect on organizational performance. The organizations offered induction training, on job training, mentorship training and career development which has influenced the employee performance in the organization. The study concludes that training and development strategies have a very significant contribution to make to organization success. Strategic human resource training and development plan plays a very big role in the achievement of the firm's strategic plan by providing employees with up to date expertise to meet present and future performance demands. The parastatals should also conduct strategic human resources management training programs including total quality management training programs. The training should be done to employees at all levels and should also expand to include training on other areas in readiness for other jobs in the future (succession planning). The government should also establish an active training and development policy for its employees in public organizations.
Key Words: Training, Development, Performance, Parastatals
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