Paul Mukuria Ngunjiri
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Dr. David Kiarie. PHD
School of Business Management and Economics,
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Dr. Pamela Nyaboke. PHD
School of Business Management and Economics,
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
CITATION: Ngunjiri, P., M., Kiarie, D., Nyaboke, P. (2018). Challenges Affecting E-Procurement System Implementation in Murang’a County Government. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 7 (4) pp 122 – 133.
Electronic procurement involves aspect of transactional requisition, online authorizing, e-ordering, e-tendering and e-payment for goods or services. Purpose of this study was to assess challenges affecting E-procurement System Implementation in Counties Governments, Murang’a County. The objective of the study was to examine the effect of information technology infrastructure on the e-procurement system implementation, Murang’a County. The study is anchored on technology diffusion theory; Resource based theory and Technology disruptive innovation. The descriptive study design was adopted for the study. A census was conducted on all employees dealing with e-procurement system implementation in Murang’a County Government. The questionnaire was pilot tested to improve the instrument reliability. Cronbach Alpha coefficient with a value of 0.70 or above was considered to indicate that the instrument is reliable. Out of the 96 respondents, 90 respondent representing 93.8%. Collected data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences. Inferential statistics was employed to test the degree of relationship among the variables with a confidence level at 95%. The study revealed that information technology infrastructure had a positive & statistically significant effect on E-procurement system implementation. The indication was information technology infrastructure for E-procurement system implementation has been a major challenge due to inadequate fund for acquisition of both computer hardware and software required for successful implementation of the system. In addition, inadequate ICT infrastructure, incompatibility of various ICT systems and lack of stable internet connectivity affected effective E-procurement implementation system. The study recommended that County government should focus on upgrading information technology infrastructure as a way to enhance E-procurement system. The study suggests that further study could look at the adoption level on E-Procurement systems in County Government.
Key Words: Information Technology Infrastructure, E-Procurement System Implementation, County government
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