Brenda Wanjiru Wanjugu
Masters Student Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Dr. David Mburu Kiarie
Senior Lecturer Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Dr. Pamela Marendi
Lecturer Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
CITATION: Wanjugu, B., W., Kiarie, D., M., Marendi, P. (2018) Effects of Inspection of Purchases On Procurement Performance in Level Four Public Hospitals in Nyeri County. International Journal of Human Resources and Procurement. Vol. 7 (4) pp 75 – 87.
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to establish the effects of inspection of purchases on procurement performance in level four public hospitals in Nyeri County.
Methodology: The study adopted descriptive research design. The target population of this study were the employees of the 4 level 4’s public hospitals in Nyeri County. Since the target population embraced a number of distinct categories, census approach was suitable. the accessible population of 47 employees was used to obtain the data required Data was collected using questionnaires and analyzed using statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) version 21 as a tool of analysis. An analysis was done involving each independent variable separately to test their individual influence on the dependent variable. The ANOVA F-statistic was used to test the research questions that the regression coefficients of all the independent variables are jointly equal to zero.
Results: The study findings revealed that the quantity inspection of purchases, verification of terms of contract, verification of purchase order and quality inspection of purchases affected procurement performance. Further, most of the hospitals did not have risk analysis and evaluation management strategies in place. The study also concluded that effective inspection had a significant impact on quality products and entire hospital processes. The study concluded that there were quite a huge number of customer complaints in public hospitals which could be attributed to low performance in the procurement department.
Policy recommendation: The study recommended that for public hospitals to realize full benefits of inspection of purchases, there must be control systems put in place to validate the procurement process. The study also recommended that public hospitals should come up with proper monitoring of procurement personnel. This would ensure that the procurement personnel deliver the procurement duties entrusted to them.
Keywords: quantity inspection of purchases, verification of terms of contract, verification of purchase order, quality inspection, public hospitals.
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